

a 60 year old indonesian lady was presented with swelling at the left inguinal region extended to mons pubis for few months prior to admission.

differential diagnosis?

neck lump

Describe the lump and give your differential diagnosis 


lalala... finally i've time to do some notes ..

Cyst is defined as:

Pathological cavity
- unlike anatomical cavity
- disease entity

Content of cyst
- filled by varieties material
(keratin, fluid, gases)

Lined by
- epithelium
- absent epithelium!! /pseudo

Question of pus??
- no pus!!
- except secondary to infection

case study 3

Ms Lee, a 49 year old unmarried Chinese lady came to the hospital with complaint of painless lump at the left breast for 4 months prior to admission. On examination there was a single lump at the lower inner quadrant of the left breast.
what's your differential diagnosis??
what investigations you want to do for this patient and how would you manage her?
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